Monday, May 12, 2014

In Class Zeitoun Quote Sandwhich

One of the major ideas illustrated in "Zeitoun" by Dave Eggers, is the notion of social injustice. Social and federal injustice is the misuse of authority to discriminate, racially profile, and wrongly accuse/abuse people based on stereotypes.  One example can be found when Zeitoun was seized and taken violently out of his home by men who may have been part of some type of army or police force. They forcefully take Zeitoun and treat him as if he is resisting, while he is not, by tackling him into the ground, pushing him, and aggressively handcuff him. This is an illegal seizure as no rights have been read to him and they didn't even look at his ID when he was asked to show it. One of the men asked Zeitoun for his ID. As Zeitoun handed over his ID, "the man took the ID and gave it back to Zeitoun without looking at it", (Eggers, 206). Who are these people? What do they want from Zeitoun and why are they treating him like this? Another example of the idea of social and federal injustice is when Zeitoun was taken in to be interrogated. He was even denied a phone call. He was completely clueless as to what was going on until Todd asked why they were there. They were told by one of the soldiers, "you guys are al Qaeda", (Eggers, 212). Zeitioun was stunned. He was being accused, profiled, and associated with the most dangerous terrorists known to mankind. How can someone who has been feeding dogs and saving people after a hurricane be accused of such? This is social injustice. Zeitoun has been profiled as a "Taliban" and a terrorist. Both of these examples are evidence of social and federal injustice. They both illustrate how Zeitoun has been treated differently sand stripped of his right and wrongly treated. These soldiers are misusing their authority and wrongly accusing Zeitoun of something he has nothing to do with just because he is Muslim.

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